APRIL 13, 2006 NEWS CITIZEN MORRISVILLE, VERMONT 05661 PAGE SEVEN Huckabone Dinner The annual Eleanor Huckabone Easter Day alone dinner will be held at noon on Easter Sunday, April 16. The meal will be served at the St. Vincent De Paul Church, North Troy, in the basement. Anyone who finds themselves alone on Easter Day is welcome to attend. Attendees do not have to be old, poor or needy.
Singles, couples or families are welcome. Any age group is welcome from children to senior citizens. The annual dinner is put on by community members and is sponsored by local businesses. The 2005 dinner was sponsored by various businesses including Troy Lion Club, Orleans County Automotives, Fred's will be to to by nd at id; lie to ay, ell beJr. ng n.
er rs, lia ey an ily ily ed ts, he get ald he ays nd 1a rs ry nt he rs et, ers the Plumbing and Heating, Poulin Lumber, Chittenden Bank, Curtis Britch-Converse Rushford Funeral Home, Columbia Forest Products, Spates the Florist, Farrants Greenhouse and Mountain View. Many individuals also contributed. Thanks to all of you for all your help. The dinner is under the auspices of the Missisquoi Valley Historical Society. Donations to help offset the cost are always accepted and appreciated.
Donations can be made to Easter Home Alone accounts Kay Maynard, Treasurer, Box 587, Highland Ave. North Troy, VT 05859. Lamoille Valley Church of the Nazarene 565 Vermont Route 15, Johnson Phone: 635-2988 Our Maundy Thursday service will begin at 7:00 p.m. Friday The Passion will be shown at 7:00 p.m. All boys and girls are invited to an Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 a.m.
Saturday morning. Easter Sunday at 8:00 a.m. we will begin having a second worship service. Easter Breakfast will be served at 9:00 a.m. and at 10:45 a.m.
we have another worship service. The choir under the direction of Melissa Towle will sing at both services. Fourteen men attended the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference in Essex. Navy fighter pilot Tom Joyce was the speaker. Tuesday, April 18, Children's Pastor Lorenda Dunham is taking the boys and girls bowling at Yankee Lanes, leaving from the church at noon.
Call her at 635- 7574 for further information. Ladies' Bible Study is doing Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce PUFFER AND WOLCOTT UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES Services: Wolcott 8:30 a.m. Puffer 10:00 a.m. Pastor Pat Thompson Office 888-2248 submitted by Mary Dick Lights in the windows lit this week in Honor of Luke Salvas by Alma Draper. Services will be held on Maundy Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
at the Wolcott Church and Good Friday Services will be at Puffer at 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Services will be at normal church times at both the Wolcott and Puffer Churches: 8:30 a.m. at Wolcott, and 10:00 a.m. at Puffer. Tuesday, April 18 there will be choir rehearsal at 6:00 p.m.
and the finance committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. The Alzheimer's Support Group will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 20. Then the following week, choir. rehearsal as usual on Tuesday, April 25 with Relations meeting following at 7:00 p.m.
Thanks to all who are "Reading Through the What an inspirational project. Cards of Thanks A big thank you to the 911 dispatcher, ambulance and EMT's for the transport to Copley. A special thank you to Doctors Keating and Roy. To the SCU nurses for your kindness, care and compassion. Also to others I may have missed.
To my daughter Sharon who was with me all the way. For the visits from the granddaughters, friends and my husband Allie and son David and family. You're all caregiving angels. May God bless. Aline Ring 28p 10p To our Lamoille Union Lady Lancers, Girls Varsity Basketball team! We want to let you girls know how proud we are of you all.
As usual you have taken us to the playoffs in Barre. With all that has gone on this season, you girls HYDE PARK Alena Wood 888-2924 ary es. ial The funeral for our dear Our neighbors, Robert and to friend, Jean Delaney, which was Mary Foss have returned home nd held Thursday, April 6, was after several weeks traveling to well attended. At over 100 years Florida, seeing places and differ61; old, she out-lived many of her ent folks. They stopped in to visit ety edy friends.
The church ladies served Carmen one day last week. 03; a delicious dinner after the ser- Had a bit of excitement Sunch, vice in St. Teresa's Parish Hall. day night about 9:30. Tammy VT It gave family and friends time Jones, of Eden, struck a deer at ion to share a last good-bye.
I have top of hill by Carmen's home. It a lot of memories as I drove Jean did a lot of damage to her vehicle, ral to many doctors' appointments so she left her car in Carmen's 10n in Burlington over the years, yard as the headlights were its. getting groceries, and hair done broken, and it wasn't very safe to locally, going to Melben's and drive. Luckily, the impact killed having Benny's fish chowder af- the deer, so we didn't have to ter. She was a gracious lady and worry about it suffering.
a pleasure to be with. I miss her. Our warm days changed to You learn a lot from folks when colder nights and windy Sunday. our you travel miles with them, for The sun was out which helped and which I am thankful. Jean's some.
und home has been sold. At this time, I would like to mes I talk with Margaret Nelson wish all my folks, friends, a beauruly on the phone when she feels tiful healthy Easter holiday, and had like it. We have a good rapport. enjoy a great family day. A big now If either one of us doesn't feel up thank you to all who contribute to visiting, we tell each other.
She to our news items. Please forgive oted has her bad and good days. Her me for making boo-boos every ard) family is surely thoughtful of all now and then. ons, her needs. Her granddaughter After church Sunday, Elsa and den Janet visited her, also Lana I did a wee bit of shopping, and and Parkhurst, her daughter-in-law, had a little lunch before returnand friend, Myrna Locke.
ing home. port, orth I also chat with cousin Edie I had a chat with neighbor ence in New who hasn't Dolly Cubit. Our dear friend lotte been well. She Cora Howes, of Waterbury, is Hampshire, Iren, still a hospital patient in Barre. feeling never 10 is extended to Tina The Glenn Fleurys have complains.
reSympathy step Bullard and the death turned home after spending the family on any of her Dorothy winter at their home at Ormond and Knight of Essex who died Beach, FL. grandmother, rses, In her I see lights on at the home of the obituary, I found she graduated our neighbors, the Melansons, Tuesday, April 4. reading from Burlington High School, in home from Florida. ased of the Mrs. Aline Ring has returned 1940.
She was classmate his late Ida (LaGrange) Mander, home after a stay in a and I graduated in 1939.A small in New Hampshire. She will be world. We had well over 200 returning soon to have a paceheld the in 1939 class. Such a large maker put in. our with of Joe and Flo Ciccolo from class, we didn't know all our Ford Massachusetts were in church classmates.
be at the Carl Sunday They spent time at their ly in goes ill for second home at Lake Elmore. Sympathy out to Rushford family. Carl was ville with his Spring is here. Grass fires several years at home have begun, with our firemen bededicated wife Janice (Hubbard) may ing called out over the weekend taking care of him before he was nory admitted Nursing a few times There's still snow up to Woodridge Come Home in Berlin. After I began in the woods.
ridge in ladies Lillian Heath and daughter 550- Lois Lemaire, of Stowe, called demonstrating products homes in 1951, I had the wonderful on Margaret Nelson Sunday sure of meeting these ward the afternoon. This was a wonderful folks and being friends over iting years, and seeing their children day of memories, as Margaret com. and Lillian lived near each other grow up. John acting when their kids were young. It With our computer Rich of an afternoon Margaret said up last week, some our news was lapel, didn't get in.
she wouldn't forget. Holy Week Services Holy Week Services at the ship service. Hot cross buns, cofGrace Bible Church of Moscow. fee, tea and cider served after Holy Thursday, April 13 7 worship service. p.m.
meditation on the scrip- Easter Sunday radio protures and the Lord's Supper gram "Moment of Decision" observed. over WDEV 550 on the dial at Good Friday, April 14 12 11 a.m. noon Commemoration of the For more information call Cross. Pastor Joe or Joan Murphy 253- Easter Sunday, April 16 4731. 10:30 a.m.
Easter morning wor- Meyer on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Childcare is provided. Matthew Bidwell, Rachel Clinger, Abigail Dunham and Alexys LaMonda, accompanied by Pastor Lorenda, James and Laurel Gamble and Kyley LaMonda, took part in a Mission Area Children's Quizoff in Williston last Saturday. Recently at the Regional Festival of Life at ENC in Quincy, MA, several of our teens won silver and bronze medals. Hillary Greene, Sarah and Jessica Manchester played basketball.
Cameron Doane took a silver in Chess and bronze in volleyball. Sarah and Jessica played the piano, Katie Van Norden sang a solo and Kara Desrochers, Katie, Jessica and Sarah sang in a quartet. Chic Shaver will be with us April 29, for a Seminar on Prayer. He will speak at LVCN Sunday, April 30 and May 1 3 every evening at 7:00 p.m. stood by each other and helped each other through everything.
You have shown us what "team" really stands for. As for our seniors who are leaving us Alyssa, Danielle, Jess, Kathryn, Kiah, Jill, Michele, Eliza, Dustin we have watched you play ball since you were little girls and have seen you all grow up into bright, talented young ladies. We wish you girls all the best of luck at whatever you choose to do in your lives. We will miss you! And to our JV girls team congratulations on another great season! Love, Your Fans 28p 10p SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Hyde Park Easter Schedule Maundy Thursday (First Congregational Church, North Hyde Park) 5:00 p.m., potluck communion meal (bring a dish to share). Worship Service 6:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday: 7:00 a.m., Sunrise Service, Miner home in Hyde Park. 7:30 a.m., Youth Breakfast Second Congregational Church. 9:30 a.m., Easter Worship Service Second Congregational Church dining room. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CAUCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Church Service: Sunday, 10:00 a.m. by Vivian Adults and Children Norton Sunday School after Morrisville Childrens Story Moments 888-2225 The Easter Cantata Friday evening, 7 p.m., April 14.
Community is invited to attend. Thursday evening at 7 p.m., Maundy Thursday service. Women's Fellowship, Tuesday, April 18, with potluck supper and Mary Kay program at 6 p.m. May you have a Happy Easter. We hope you will plan to worship with us at 10:00 a.m.
All welcome. Face Pain or Deviation Fatigue Foul Breath Frequent Urination It's not just for pain! Lenore Randolph L. Ac LLC (Cell) 793-3983( (Voice mail) 888-5533 ext 4 The Alternative: An Inner Light Wellness Center 34 Pleasant St. Morrisville Hurry! Get a ticket for the quilt raffle. Drawing is on May 1.
Friend of Peoples Academy's Junior class, and longtime Morrisville resident, Madeline Hooper, has created a beautiful hand-made, king- size quilt for the junior class raffle to raise funds for their junior prom. To purchase tickets contact any of the following junior class officers: Billy Brennan, Alison Hemphill, Morgan Hickory, or Chris Moran; or Class advisors, Sheila Tymon-O'Brien or Sally McCarthy. They can be reached a at Peoples Academy, 202 Copley Ave, Morrisville, phone 888-4600, or email any one of them by addressing it to firstname.lastname@morrisville.org For example: Morgan. risville.org Easter Sunrise Service at Smugglers' Notch Resort Smugglers' Notch Resort Smugglers' Notch Resort invites is planning to host a Sunrise families across Vermont to join in Service atop Sterling Mountain on a glorious view and uplifting on Easter Sunday, April 16. The service.
Following the service, Sterling Lift will whisk families guests are encouraged to ride the to the top of Sterling Mountain, lift back down the mountain. free of charge, to participate in The Resort hopes to see many a non-denominational service new faces this year along with and Easter message by a local those already familiar with minister. Lift loading begins at the service and advises all 6 a.m., and ends promptly at participants to dress warmly for 6:30 a.m. No experience with the cooler and windier conditions chairlift riding is necessary and of mountaintop weather. The parking is available close by.
public is invited. St. John's-in-the-Mountains Holy Eucharist Sunday at 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Morning Prayer Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Our most sincere thanks to the Right Reverend Tom Ely who made his annual visitation to St. John's on Palm Sunday. Thanks also for his sermon and for his words of wisdom and encouragement during the special parish meeting that took place following the 10 a.m. service. If you forgot to bring your mite boxes, please bring them next Sunday for collection.
Funds collected benefit the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund, helping people around the world. Offering collected at the 7 p.m. Episcopal Church Mountain and Luce Hill Roads Stowe, Vermont 253-6086 Good Friday service will benefit the Anglican Church in Jerusalem. Please use the special envelopes provided. Holy Week services include: Maundy Thursday (April 13) services at 7 p.m.; Good Friday (April 14) Ecumenical service at Stowe Community Church beginning at 12 p.m.; Good Friday (April 14) service at St.
John's beginning at 7 p.m.; Easter Sunday (April 16) The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. There will be a baptism at 10 a.m. and an Easter Egg Hunt following the service. WATERVILLE Ethel Coburn 644-5418 Audrey Barry is a surgical patient at Fletcher Allen Health Care.
Audrey was such a great nurse when my husband was sick. Pastor Burlingame attended a conference in Philadelphia, PA, for three days last week. Delores and Henry Schaarchmidt visited their son and grandchildren last week in the State of Washington. Robert and Mary Coburn, of Jericho, visited your reporter Sunday. They seldom come without a treat for mom.
Ronnie and Harriet Emery, of Cambridge, cousins of Becky Duffy, visited Roger and Becky Duffy in Cottonwood, AZ, and also his sister Marilyn Ward and husband Ralph in Phoenix. Tuesday, Mary Burt, Donald and Betty Whitcavitch and Ethel Coburn attended the senior dinner at the fire station in Thursday, Betty Whitcavitch and your reporter had lunch at the Church in Jeffersonville. Betty Whitcavitch celebrated her birthday last Wednesday all day going out to eat and to the movies. Evan Miller visited Grandma Coburn Thursday afternoon after school. Churches will hold an Easter sunrise service at the Belvidere recreation field at 6 a.m.
Mary Burt and Merilyn Clinger went to a play Saturday at the Bakersfield School. Mary's granddaughter was in it. Derrick and Edna Lafountain have retuned from a week's vacation in Florida. Mary Burt, Donnie Lynch and twin boys went to Sheldon to a birthday party for the boys. They had dinner at a restaurant, then birthday cake at Grandma Jennie's.
At the last card party Saturday night Ronnie Langdell got high score for the men and Mildred Wescom got high score for the ladies. Rodney Burns got low for the men and Nancy Brault for the ladies. Butch Duffy got the most horses. The card parties cleared $700 for the Land Trust. Happy Birthday to Greg Griffin.
Our snow is gone again and I hope no more comes. Thursday on our way to lunch in Jeff, we saw lots of turkeys and geese and one deer. It was good to have the Zigglers to lunch at our table again as Mrs. Ziggler has been sick. Jonathan Bosley was in Montreal last weekend.
His sister from Massachusetts visited the Bosley home. Sabine and Jonathan visited his grandparents at a nursing home in St. Albans. Mr. Dunn helped with the lunch Thursday at the Jeffersonville Church.
It sure was nice to see him again. Sympathy is extended to Ceil Miller and children on the death of their husband and father. Make a MENTOR A CHILD Stork's Club Copley Hospital March 10, a daughter, Mai Bellarose Lyon, to Christopher Fletcher Allen Lyon and Kyja Page, Johnson. March 27, a daughter, JenniApril 3, a son, Daniel Michael fer Lynn Waterhouse, to Charles Bohannon, to Brian Bohan- and Cheryl (Hope) Waterhouse non and Victoria Camley, East Craftsbury. Hardwick.
March 27, a daughter, MiApril 3, a son, Maliki James kayla Amber Richardson, to Bocash, to Jamie Bocash and Marc and Shaune (Ferland) Malynda West, Stowe. Richardson, Eden. April 4, a son, Aidan Klark Murray, to Shaun Murray and Melinda Heath, Hardwick. April 6, a daughter, Elise Carrolynn Small, to Daren and Ab- GIVE BLOOD! bie (Peters) Small, Hyde Park. EDEN Betty Jones 635-2518 Cindy Wescom, of Lowell, visited me Monday, April 10.
She also visited her relative, Jean Smith at Lake Elmore. Elsa French and I attended the last legislative breakfast at Johnson State College Monday morning, April 10. As usual, there was an excellent atten: dance, plus a delicious breakfast. Two bountiful bowls of assorted fruit along with scrambled eggs, French toast, Vermont maple syrup, bacon, sausage, muffins, health food in glasses, plus juices and pots of famous brands of Vermont coffee, all buffet style. I didn't get all the names, but after introduction facts and figures, are Vermont students at Johnson State College, with 2,100 employees.
of Vermonters attend colleges in Vermont, are Vermont students from first generations. Gov. Douglas was introduced, and he gave a good talk on affordable housing. Folks moving out of state, leaving our Vermont for other states they can afford to live in. are either underinsured our not insured at all.
Property taxes are going up and up, paying for education. People can't afford Vermont high taxes. Vermont students borrow most money for education, then have to leave Vermont to pay off the loans. We need affordable housing in Vermont. Susan Bartlett spoke.
Also attending were, Richard Westman, Cambridge, Warren Miller, Elmore, Linda Martin, Wolcott, Dick Marron of Stowe. There was a good attendance of college personnel. May all my Hyde Park folks celebrate a healthy, happy Easter with their kinfolks and travel safely if they are going out of town. Friends of Eden Children held an early Easter Egg Hunt and enjoyed a fun afternoon with Eden children and their younger siblings. The group made Easter baskets, dyed eggs, tattooed themselves, played games and guessed the number of jelly beans in each jar.
Since the weather cooperated they had an outdoor egg hunt. There were also yummy homemade cookies and cupcakes to frost and decorate and, of course, eat. The winners of the jelly bean guessing contest were Molly Morin, Taylor Jones and Caleb Patch. Door prizes were won by; Nick Ingalls, Kyle Raymond, Sara Hoadley, Amber, Ashley and April McAllister, Taylor Jones and Caleb Patch. The art teacher and the students had painted four trees and there were beautiful paper eggs hanging from the branches.
Two local young men, Dan Jack, age 19, and Paul McAllister, also 19, have joined the Army. They left Monday for Georgia, where they will receive their basic training. We wish them both good luck. Emily Gagner celebrated her birthday Saturday with several friends. After a pizza party, they all went bowling at Lowell.
After a strenuous evening of exercise, Emily and friends had a "sleepover" which for teenagers means little sleep and lots of fun. Happy Birthday, Emily. On April 1, Timmy Brown was surprised by his family with a 50th birthday party at Kingdom Playground in Coventry. His sister, Connie Earle made a cake in the shape of a deer driving a jeep with Tim tied to the roof. His sister, Darlene, brought a poster-sized picture of Tim and a deer he had shot, which they hung on the wall for all to admire.
Present also were Tim's son, Robert Brown, and his girlfriend Wanda Rooney and Tim's daughter, Kylie Brown, as well as many cousins and nephews. They all helped Tim celebrate his half-century birthday. Many happy returns, Tim, and many more to come. School vacation is next week, The After School session IV commences the day school reopens. All parents need to make sure that the purple application option gets back to school by Friday of this week.
Just a reminder! The school is still collecting box tops and labels. Please drop them off at school. Children do benefit from these donations. A lady from town called and asked if I would put a blurb in the paper regarding cleaning up our environment. Even though Green Up Day doesn't come until May, she suggested that everyone pick up the trash and garbage in front of their own house.
She said her family picked three boxes of the winter stuff that had been thrown out. She said with that gone it really makes a difference and feels like spring is here. Garland Ingalls is driving to Phoenix, AZ, with his daughter, Grace Adams. Grace has been reassigned by her job. Garland and Grace will be taking turns driving and the trip will take four days.
Garland will fly home next Thursday. Grace's family will be joining her in June after her son graduates from Lamoille Union High School. I hope they escape all of the tornadoes that have been happening out in that area. If you have any news to share please call 635-2518 or email Support Your Local Animal Shelter COPLE IS IT TIME FOR A NEW CAREER? Copley Manor, a care facility, will be offering a Licensed Nurse manor Assistant program starting April 17, 2006. Upon completion of this three week which includes classroom and clinical time, the program, LNA candidate will be eligible to sit for State Licensure.
This program will provide skills to allow the candidate to work as an LNA in nursing home, hospitals, and home health agencies. INTERESTED? Please apply to TAMMY MANDIGO, L.P.N., S.D.C. HURRY, class is limited. Tuition and fee may be applicable. Copley Manor 577 Washington Highway Morrisville, VT 05661 888-8700.